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Price: $149.50
The SHAX® 6190 Umbrella Stand is a durable, compact solution designed to perfectly accommodate the SHAX® 6100 Lightweight Industrial Umbrella. Its hinged design allows for easy setup and storage, making it an ideal accessory for various outdoor settings. The SHAX® 6190 Umbrella Stand boasts a powder-coated steel frame, offering ultimate durability while maintaining a lightweight design for ease of use and storage. In various work environments, including residential, commercial, agricultural, construction, and highway settings, the SHAX® 6190 Umbrella Stand is the perfect companion to the SHAX® 6100 Lightweight Industrial Umbrella, effectively preventing heat-related illnesses during outdoor work.
- Durable steel construction
- Convenient hinged legs
- Stable without stakes
- Easy storage and set-up
- Perfect for outdoor work
SKU: ERG12990
Manufacturer: Ergodyne